Thursday, 1 August 2019

International Film Festival

Today Kauri team went to the International Film Festival! It was really fun and a lot of the films were really funny there were three that i really liked they were, Kuap, Do not touch and last but not lest Sloth, I remember the last one last year, this one was just as good maybe better!
Here is some photos!

This is Sloth this short film is about a sloth is sleeping and then a bird selling ice cream give some to the sloth but the sloth is to slow so it ends up melting then the sloth falls asleep and drops the cone and so it has a hole at the end to the bird comes up with an idea so the ice cream drops into the sloths mouth. 

This one is  Do not touch this short film is very short but funny, its about a boy (the one in the photo) and the switch next to him so basically he comes up to the switch and looks at the sign but he still flicks it, the light turns off and we can only see hi eyes and when he turns the light back on he only has is eyes and his eyes fall, but it was really funny and films like that take a lot of time. 

And this one, its name is Kuap, it's a really funny but sad short film in the film there i a group of eggs (frog eggs) then the tad polls start to come out but later all the other tad polls start to grow legs but sadly one of them is a late bloomer so it takes forever to grow, then he find another group of eggs do he stays with them and when they came out they played and then there legs started to grow but his didn't and one night when they are sleeping his legs pop out, in the morning he doesn't see so when they leave he waves goodbye and starts to swim away but then realises and jumps out and starts to form into a frog!  

Have you ever gone to the film festival before?
Blog ya later!


  1. Hi Tiffany it's Nicholas from room 25 I Love all off those films which one is your favourite come check out my blog BLOG YOU LATTER

  2. Hi Tiffany it is Persaies from room 7 I liked all of those films from the Civic Theater. I really liked how you just didn't say that this one is my favorite one out of all the films you described how you felt and during the short films and what you liked about it and also here is a question witch one out of all the three films was you favorite I hope you had a good time watching all the films blog you later and do not forget to check out my blog at


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