Friday, 16 November 2018

what I am working on week 5

This is something that we did at Camp it was really fun!


  1. Kia ora, my name is Saana from room 24 at owairaka school. I remember when i did this, but for me it was so hard. i love taking. when i did it our table was covered in writing!! but it was still fun. maybe next time you could say who was at your table and what the funniest thing they said
    Thanks for sharing your learning. you should check out my blog
    Blog you later, saana

  2. Hi Tiffany it's Matthew from Rm: 25, I really like camp aswell and silent dinner well kind of. It was hard to get someones attention or trying not to laugh. what did you do after was it fun.

    Thanks for sharing your learning check my blog out

  3. Hi Matthew, Its Tiffany.
    Thanks for the comment.
    After the dinner everyone when back to their cabins. What did you after?
    Blog ya later,


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